
God is especially revealed in the mystery of the human person, “created
in the image and likeness of God;” Jesuit education, therefore, probes
the meaning of human life and is concerned with the total formation
of each student as an individual personally loved by God. The objective
of Jesuit education is to assist in the fullest possible development of all
of the God-given talents of each individual person as a member of the
human community.
(ICAJE, Characteristics of Jesuit Education, n. 25)
Through our Ignatian ministries at Fordham Prep, our students, faculty, staff, parents and alumni experience the spiritual tradition of St. Ignatius of Loyola which invites all members of the community to a personal relationship with God and a commitment to a faith that does justice. The Office of Mission and Identity, Campus Ministry, and our Christian Service and our Global Education programs offer programs that animate our Ignatian mission in the Prep community.
Faith Formation and Campus Ministry Calendar
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Univ. Church
Ministry Center
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Meet the Campus Ministry Team
Mrs. Maryann Casaccio-Ortiz
Attendance Officer
Campus Ministry, Dean's Office
Madeline Pikus
Associate Director of Campus Ministry
Religious Studies, Campus Ministry
Ms. Carolyn Wright
Assistant Director of Campus Ministry for Social Justice
English, Religious Studies, Campus Ministry, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion