Thank you for joining us at the Water Club this past Friday for the President's Annual Reception & Dinner. I was grateful for the opportunity to thank you personally for your generous commitment to Fordham Prep. Also, I was thrilled to announce and launch “Igniting Our Mission,” the public phase of our Campaign for Fordham Prep. During the campaign's silent phase, we raised $37 million to advance the Prep's mission, and dedicate our efforts toward excellence, all for God's greater glory. This generosity has begun to transform the Prep's campus in dramatic ways, such as: - The new front lobby and entranceway
- The renovated Commons
- The Rowen Athletic Field
- New athletic locker rooms
- Several classroom upgrades
- New collegiate-style group study rooms
- A new chapel
On Friday, I was delighted to introduce you to Ethan '21 and Matthias '18, and their families, so you could witness the impact of your generosity in building our endowment and scholarship program. Because of your generosity, Ethan, Matthias and 100 current students and their families gained the support they needed to enroll. In the public phase of “Igniting Our Mission” I invite you to consider raising your sights so Fordham Prep can execute our campus master plan, expand our East Wing, enlarge and improve our classrooms, renovate the existing two locker rooms and develop a new counseling center. Or consider how your support might allow us to recruit and enroll the best, most qualified young men, regardless of family income. I look forward to informing you of the Campaign's progress through the "Igniting Our Mission" website. In the meantime, please enjoy the photo gallery from the evening. |