BRONX, NY 10458

 President's Office


Dear Members of the Fordham Preparatory Community:

This morning, we celebrated our Founder's Day Mass and the dedication of our new entrance, lobby and renovated Commons. As we begin our 175th year, we are reminded of our humble beginnings, and look toward the future as Fordham Prep continues to serve as a leader in faith, scholarship and service. I invite you to read my homily from this morning's Mass.

I offer special thanks to all the contributors to the 175th Campaign to date, especially to the benefactors, without whose funding, the renovation of the Commons and the creation of our new entrance and lobby would not have been possible:

  • James (Jim) '82 & Diane Rowen
  • John & Catherine McCarthy, Fallon, Thomas '17, and Matthew '19 - The Thomas and Dorothy Leavey Foundation

The latest edition of the Ramview has a calendar of events for the Fordham Prep community of alumni, students, parents, faculty and friends during this year-long celebration.



Best Regards,

Rev. Christopher J. Devron, SJ



Long time Fordham Prep English teacher Fr. Stanley O' Konsky, SJ was born on Founder's Day in a year not to be revealed! 

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