The Fordham Prep Hall of Honor was created to recognize illustrious individuals from our school’s long and rich history. Since June 24, 1841, the day the Prep first opened, members of the Fordham Prep family have labored tirelessly for God, country and the good of all; have served the school and its students in extraordinary capacities; and have distinguished themselves in various fields of human endeavor, demonstrating that all undertakings should be ultimately directed ad majorem Dei gloriam, for the greater glory of God. Among our honorees are individuals from all walks of life, from bishops to businessmen, from artists to athletes, and from physicians to philanthropists.
The initial induction ceremony was held at the Waldorf-Astoria on June 5, 1989 during the Sesquicentennial Gala celebrating the Prep's 150th anniversary. Further inductions were made on a periodic basis as the occasion arose. In 2007, under the auspices of Rev. Kenneth Boller, SJ, the 34th Prep president, the school established a process that allowed the Fordham Prep community at large to nominate potential inductees to a Hall of Honor Committee, The committee was tasked with reviewing all nominations and presenting its recommendations to the Board of Trustees. New honorees are then inducted at a biennial Hall of Honor Dinner.
With lifetimes spanning five centuries, the membership of the Hall of Honor stands as witness to the Fordham Prep legacy, men and women for others who have, in the words of St. Ignatius, given and not counted the cost, fought and not heeded the wounds, toiled and not sought rest, and labored and not asked for reward.
Nominations for the 2024/2025
Induction Cycle are now closed. Any nominations received will be considered for the 2028 Induction Cycle. Among our honorees are individuals from all walks of life, from bishops to businessmen, from artists to athletes, and from physicians to philanthropists.