Our Private High School's Counseling Program
Fordham Prep offers one of the most comprehensive School Counseling programs in the tri-state area. Students are assigned a School Counselor in their freshman year and work with them, both in small groups and individually, for all four years. The core of the program “group guidance,” which is a designated class featuring a developmental and preventative curriculum.
School Counselors support their students academically, socially, emotionally, and behaviorally. The broad topics covered in group guidance include:
- Academic Skills
- Strategies and Habits
- Connection and Community Building
- Mental Health and Well-Being
- Prevention Education
- Positive Psychology (the science of human flourishing)
- Character Development
- College and Career Readiness
Evidenced-based programs are delivered on suicide and depression. Research on grit, growth mindset, motivation, optimism, and gratitude are explored and made relevant. In addition, the students engage in an in-depth look at anxiety
and practice a variety of mindfulness activities with their classmates.
You can read more about how our School Counseling supported our students'
return to the Prep during the COVID-19 pandemic below.
Hear From our School Counseling Staff
Mentor Groups
Students in freshman, sophomore, and junior years are placed into small groups (15-18 total students) under the direction of an adult faculty member called Mentor Groups.
Mentors are often one of the student's classroom teachers and assist with academic and social support.
Mentor groups complete service projects together in freshman and sophomore year and meet regularly during each six-day academic cycle.
Academic Support Center
The Prep's Academic Support Center is open for a limited amount of sessions each semester. Teachers, counselors, and peer tutors offer support in specific academic subjects as well as study skills and habits. Peer tutors are members of Fordham Prep's chapter of the National Honor Society (NHS).
Attendance is voluntary or can be required of a student by a faculty member or School Counselor.
Students With Learning Challenges
Students with documented learning challenges (a current 504 or IEP) can appeal to receive extended time on mid-term and final exams only.
All students, even those without a documented learning challenge, receive support both in group and individual settings through our School Counseling program.
Students can also access support from our dedicated clinicians including our Social Workers.